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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2017

Arsitektur Kolonial dan Konservasi

Arsitektur Kolonial dan Upaya Konservasi Cagar Budaya Bangunan PT. Samudera Indonesia Tbk di Kotatua Jakarta Oleh Ary Sulistyo [1] 1.      Arsitektur Kolonial Arsitektur era kolonial adalah arsitektur bangunan yang berkembang  pada masa koloniali Belanda di Indonesia hingga pada masa awal kemerdekaan. Arsitektur bangunan sangat terpengaruh oleh modernisme yang berkembang di Belanda. Pengaruh ini dibawa oleh arsitek Indonesia yang menempuh pendidikannya di Belanda terutama aliran perancangan arsitektur Delft dan De Stijl . Arsitektur kolonial tidak sepenuhnya meniru persis seperti yang ada di Belanda. Terdapat penyesuaian terhadap iklim tropis yang mengakibatkan penyesuaian bentuk terhadap bentuk keseluruhan bangunan maupun elemen-elemen bangunan. Menurut buku “ Masa Lalu dalam Masa Kini: Arsitektur di Indonesia ” yang ditulis oleh Peter J. M. Nas (2009: 123), ciri khas ini terlihat pada jendela crossbar yang dihias dengan anyaman rotan sebagai ventilasi. Seperti y

City Development and Sites Conservation

City Development and Sites Conservation: Case Studies Fish-Market Site and Warehouse-Citywall Site of Old-Town Jakarta, Indonesia By Ary Sulistyo [1] Abstract Kotatua Jakarta as origin of capital city of Indonesia. Kotatua Jakarta shown the city development and evolution from traditional city until colonial city in eastern world and as multi-ethnic city as well as acculturation with European cities planning in 16-18 th century. Unfortunately, the negative impacts of physical development also resulting decreased the values of tangible heritage; Fish market Site and surrounding area (Vischmarkt) is occupied by a large Kampong and commercial activities which are not conducive to clear interpretation and conservation and have been cleared by revitalization programs in mid-2016. The plan to revitalize the historic area obtaining the resistance from local residents. Previously in 1995, the eviction of Warehouses Site (Graanpakhuizen) used as braze materials for road constru


LOCAL COMMUNITY AND THEIR EXISTENCE: THE ENVIRONMENTAL WISDOM OF KASEPUHAN CCOMMUNITY  AT CENGKUK VILLAGE,  SUKABUMI DISTRICT, WEST JAVA [1] By Ary Sulistyo [2] The research focused on the eternality of environmental preservation of indigenous Sunda Village of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar at Southern Halimun Mountain, Sukabumi District, West Java. The local community still exist with living heritage of the Sundaness tradition and culture. The study associated with the depreciation of land and population growth. Cengkuk Village was the one of several cluster villages that still practiced the tradition to manage the environment. Socio-culture approach on this research has focused into environmental wisdom values that occupied the forest land. The distribution of forest community depends on functions and utilization, that only leuweung tutupan have been used definitely. The functions of forest as ecosystem buffer have been used traditionally not only by main village but a